293 Series Coolant-proof Micrometer

293 Series Coolant-proof Micrometer Micrometer Mitutoyo Measuring tools 293 Series Coolant-proof Micrometer Micrometer Mitutoyo Measuring tools

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Metric _ With ratchet stop

Range Model  Resolution Accuracy
0 - 25mm 293-230-30 / 293-240-30 0.001mm ±1µm
25 - 50mm 293-231-30 / 293-241-30 0.001mm ±1µm
50 - 75mm 293-232-30 / 293-242-30 0.001mm ±1µm
75 - 100mm 293-233-30 / 293-243-30  0.001mm ±2µm
100 - 125mm 293-250-30 0.001mm ±2µm
125 - 150mm 293-251-30 0.001mm ±2µm
150 - 175mm 293-252-30 0.001mm ±3µm
175 - 200mm 293-253-30 0.001mm ±3µm
200 - 225mm 293-254-30 0.001mm ±3µm
225 - 250mm 293-255-30 0.001mm ±4µm
250 - 275mm 293-256-30 0.001mm ±4µm
275 - 300mm 293-257-30 0.001mm ±4µm

Metric _ With ratchet thimble

Range Model  Resolution Accuracy
0 - 25mm 293-234-30 / 293-244-30 0.001mm ±1µm
25 - 50mm 293-235-30 / 293-245-30 0.001mm ±1µm
50 - 75mm 293-236-30 / 293-246-30 0.001mm ±1µm
75 - 100mm 293-237-30 / 293-247-30  0.001mm ±2µm


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